So we have moved into Round 2 of the Campaign. If you are interested in the campaign rules, check out my previous post.
This past week, Mike went down the list for determining "initiative" which meant that I was subject to everyone else's whim.
And guess what? My expanding territory was not even atatcked! Turns out that Rob decided to attack Robert. So Rob went for a para-drop. Mike decided that since Robert wasn't there to play, that Rob would instead face me as Robert's proxy. The deal is that if you can't make an evening, you should not be penalized with an "auto-loss." Not sure how Rob was feeling about that...
So we had US Paras dropping on top of... US Paras. Both Rob and I fielded a list out of Nuts! I went with 2 para platoons, para LMGs attached into those platoons, TDs (Hellcats), glider arty, and 2 sections of .50cal jeeps. I also upgraded to Toccoa Sergeants and bought "Shifty" Powers. Rob went with 4 para platoons, AT guns and arty. We fought the Airborne Assault mission out of the new Normandy Battles.
No pictures (again?!?!!). The game went fairly quickly as I deployed the 2 para platoons and the recee jeeps on the board. I did have to shift one of the para platoons to be able to cover the two objectives that were left (attacker pulls one of the two he places). Rob slowly moved in, waiting on his reserves to arrive. So we got to Turn 3 really quickly. Bottom of 3 Night is still in effect. Top of 4 Night stays in effect and Rob now is closing the gap very quickly. I need night to lift!! Bottom of 4 I get my wish. And the timing was very bad for Rob. I ran the arty, but at the cost of my 4 jeeps! You see, I killed all but a gun and the commander and lost 2 recee jeeps in the process when Rob shifted his paras and got shots on the jeeps. So with just the gun and the commander, I assaulted with two jeeps. Got through DF just fine. So two swings with Vet and... I missed two. He doesn't have a hit, so no Motivation test needed. Two swings with trained... and two hits. Damn!
Elsewhere I am gutting paras in the open with LMGs and the TDs had come on to blast .50cals into the same para unit. After that turn, Rob decided to "pull back" and withdraw from the mission. This is allowed after Turn 4 in any mission that we are playing for the Campaign. So Robert keeps his territory with the loss of 100 points. Not bad... Rob got a bit of a bloodier nose from the fight.
Doubles Tournament
This past Saturday, Mike hosted a tournament at The Last Square. The event was MW Doubles at 1,165 per Company - with the ability for you to mix nations as long as they are both Allies or both Axis. For those of you wondering, Mike did that point level because that is the cost of 3 Tigers. As a 10th team, he played 6 Tigers.
I partnered with Joe. He ran Mixed Tankovy with Lees, Stuarts, T-26s and BT-"whatevers" for the points. Lots of Soviet Tanks. Oh yeah, Conscript Soviet Tanks. I ran US Armored Rifles with 2 ARP, M10s, Scotts and Armored Mortars.
Round 1 we ended up playing 6 Tigers. Thanks Mike! In a twist, Round 1 was Free For All. Basically, Joe's 1,165 were almost useless since the best the Lees could do was bail on the side (no long barrels). But what Joe did was to litter the objectives with a ton of tanks to keep the Tigers from moving in certain places. The M10s got a Tiger, but couldn't kill the other one. The ARP did that and we claimed an objective. Mike was 2-2-2 across the back and he couldn't get over to the objective in time. Plus we had the other side also locked down with ARP.
Round 2, we played Chriss Fretts and Andrew Hobson from Indy. Great guys and a game that I will remember for a very, very long time! We played Breakthrough and Joe and I attacked Chris' US Tanks (Stuarts, Lees, armored recee) and Andrew's Brit Paras. Bloody, swarming battle that came down to the bitter end. Joe and I broke Chris' company and took them 6-1. But the score does not at all describe the closeness of the game.
Round 3 was against Robert and Robert in Fighting Withdrawal. Robert #1 had Soviet Strelk horde with AT guns and recee, while Robert #2 had US Tanks with Lees, Stuarts (AGAIN!?!?!!?), 105s, Scotts and SP arty. While I was the main attack force in Round 1, Joe was the main attack force in Round 2. My job was to kill Lees and the M10s did that perfectly. Joe's job was to line up and assault Strelk. Which he did perfectly. In the end, we had the objective on Turn 5 and won. But even if we lost the objective, we were going to get both guys to Company Morale rolls the next turn. 5-2 to us.
So we ended up 5-2, 6-1 and 5-2. With some scoring adjustments (you got extra points for wins and lost points for losing 1iC, 2iC and any warriors), we came in 2nd place behind some of the Indy guys. So it was Gary's team in 1st, we were 2nd, Joe Lewis' team was 3rd and Chris / Andrew were 4th. Not bad company!!
But most importantly, I had a blast with my friend Joe! We played well together and our lists allowed us to carry the other guy when needed - me in Round 1 and Joe in Round 3. THAT is what a doubles tournament is all about!!
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